
Police concerned about threatening letters left in SC mailboxes

Most scams seem to involve computers, but some people in Rock Hill are getting a frightening letter through the mail.

Police would not provide a copy of that letter Friday, because of the ongoing investigation.   However, a police report called it a threatening extortion letter.  

It told at least one victim her family was being watched, then demanded she drop off $200 somewhere.

Police said the letters are hand-written, and were not mailed, but dropped in mailboxes around Rock Hill.

Channel 9 learned that Rock Hill police are not ready talk to about this issue just yet.  However, they did tell Channel 9 it's a significant problem that they are investigating, and plan to provide details Monday.

"I think it's just awful. It's scary to tell you the truth," said Sara Johnson, who lives near the woman who received the letter on Godfrey Street.

That woman wasn't home for Channel 9 to talk to, but every neighbor Eyewitness News spoke to knew her, and was shocked.

"Good neighbor like she is, somebody threaten her like that.  They should keep looking into it," said one man who didn't want his name used.

None of the neighbors had seen any strangers walking or riding through the neighborhood.  However, Janie Minor read the report, and admitted that seniors are too often targets for scammers.  However, she said her neighbors are all pretty savvy.

"I don't see anybody falling for it, knowing my neighbors here. I don't see anybody falling for that," she said.

Rock Hill police wouldn't comment on how many of the letters have been found, but they will release details next week, including a map showing where they were discovered.  
They also plan to ask for the public's help to find out who's behind the extortion plot.