
Biden: 'Starkest choice for president anyone has had to make'

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Vice President Joe Biden promised that he and President Obama will win North Carolina and he urged supporters in Charlotte to turn out the vote next month.

"The reason we're gonna win North Carolina is we have the best ground game you've ever seen in this state," Biden told a crowd of more than  1,000 enthusiastic supporters at the North Carolina Music Factory near uptown Charlotte Tuesday afternoon.

Biden's appearance was delayed about an hour because of severe thunderstorms in the area and he joked that many on Air Force Two had queasy stomachs after circling the airport several times.

But he saved his serious jabs for Mitt Romney and the republicans, taking aim at Romney's remarks that 47 percent of Americans are somehow dependent on government.

"Look folks. ... this country is neither dependent nor in decline. I don't recognize the country they're talking about -- I really mean it... !" Biden said.

His speech rose to a crescendo as he pointed toward the row of cameras and spoke directly to Romney and his running mate, Paul Ryan.

"Let me say it to you straight in the camera.

It's never, never, never been a good bet to bet against the American people. ... !" Biden said, his voice rising.

The speech was a hit with supporters but it hit a nerve with the spokesman for Romney's campaign in North Carolina.

"That speaks to President Obama's view that government is the solution to everything. Gov. Romney is offering a stark contrast to that," said Robert Reid, the spokesman for Romney's campaign in North Carolina.

Reid said what the American economy needs is certainty and that Romney offers that. He says even people who voted for Obama in 2008 can't ignore the problems in North Carolina over the last four years.

"They expected him to come in and do better. The 9.7 percent unemployment in North Carolina simply isn't good enough," Reid said.