
Trump-Cruz fight escalates: Trump is 'sniveling coward'

WASHINGTON — An anti-Trump group has run ads in a pointed effort to take down GOP candidate Donald Trump. But this time, the ads weren't taking aim at just the Donald.

BuzzFeed reported Monday that Liz Mair launched a Facebook campaign that features ads that have a bold font and a few lines of text. One of them features Melania Trump posing nude.

Mair is a Republican strategist who is a part of the anti-Trump super PAC Make America Awesome.

that the goal of the ads is to reach Mormons voting in Utah on Tuesday, and to increase their turnout.

“We think the Cruz campaign has turned evangelical outreach into something of a fine art,” Mair

. “We’re not so sure he has (Latter Day Saints) outreach locked down, though, and this is an area where we have a little bit of experience and knowledge over and above some Republican operatives, so it’s something we’ve decided to delve into for these contests, at least.”

Trump reacted to the ad in a tweet:

We're not sure what "beans" Trump is referring to. However, Ted Cruz stepped in to defend his wife, Heidi, after Trump's threat.

Of course, the spat only escalated from there. Trump retweeted an internet meme that compared Heidi Cruz to Melania Trump, side by side.

Cruz doubled down, calling Trump a "sniveling coward."

It's a good thing these guys aren't running for anything important.