Collecting seaside secrets

You’ll only notice it after walking through the sands of Bird Island, N.C. It's a mile and a half from the nearest parking lot, and you'll spot it out of the corner of your eye, tucked away in a sand dune on this remote beach. It is a single mailbox, and it stands alone, no mailing address to be had, no mailman to whisk away its contents. Indeed, this mysterious box holds much more than envelopes with postage stamps.

For over 35 years, the Kindred Spirit mailbox has been a place for people to find solace. Filled with blank notebooks and a plethora of pens, the box greets anyone who needs to tell a story. The tranquil surroundings of the mailbox and wooden bench with an oceanfront view gives the privacy needed to spill secrets or express emotions ranging from unexplainable grief and frustrations to overwhelming joy and love, all while staying anonymous.

Plenty of runners and beachcombers have accidently stumbled upon the Kindred Spirit, while others seek it out with a purpose. Some visit to write about life's ups and downs, while others visit to read the stories written by past guests. Whether you're compelled to get something off your chest or simply need a moment for quiet reflection, one thing is certain: You'll leave feeling a little lighter.

For directions to Kindred Spirit, click here.

Or visit the Kindred Spirit Mailbox Facebook page here.