Doctor with Charlotte ties lands in Georgia for Ebola treatment

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ATLANTA — The two Americans infected with Ebola in Liberia will be returning to the United States and be treated at Emory University Hospital near Atlanta.

An Emory University Hospital official said to his knowledge an Ebola patient has never been treated in the United States before.

"They deserve to have the highest level of care possible,” Dr. Bruce Ribner said during a news conference Friday afternoon.

Read more: WHO: Ebola moving faster than control efforts

Boone-based Samaritan’s Purse’s Dr. Kent Brantly and Charlotte missionary Nancy Writebol were infected with Ebola while working in Liberia.

An Emory official said he believes both patients are stable for transport.

They don’t believe any worker, patient or visitor is at any risk of acquiring Ebola, officials said. Emory said it has a highly-contained, specially-designed unit to isolate the Ebola patients.

An Emory Hospital University official said there are telephones in rooms and plate-glass windows for communication.

Emory official said the hospital has multi-layered approach to keeping staff, patients and visitors safe.'

“We need to keep patient alive long enough for the body to control the infection,” an official said during a news conference Friday afternoon.

An EMS physician said goals is to show great care and great safety for all those involved with transport.

Channel 9 has received emails, tweets and posts on our Facebook page from people who do not agree with the decision to bring the patients battling the ebola virus from Africa to the U.S. for treatment.

Channel 9 took their concerns to a local expert who said people should not worry about Ebola spreading in the U.S. Read more on what the expert had to say.

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