Flick picks: ‘Solo' shows when Han met Chewie

How Han met Chewie. How Han met Lando. How Han met the Millennium Falcon.

“Solo: A Star Wars Story” answers these questions and more — where Han Solo got his last name, how he managed the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs, whom he loved before Leia — satisfying fans of the franchise and of the scoundrel smuggler in particular.

But Lucasfilm is once again playing it safe with its post-George Lucas movies, replacing rogue directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller with reliable veteran Ron Howard, and giving up what might have been a riskier, more surprising film.

Read the full review here: http://bizj.us/1pm2fq

“Solo” kicks off not with a text crawl, nor even with a starscape that the “Star Wars” movies are known for, but in the streets of Corellia where a scrappy young Han (Alden Ehrenreich) has lifted a bit of coaxium — hyperfuel that is the black-market currency under Imperial rule. He means to use it to escape the industrial planet with his girlfriend Qi’ra (Emilia Clarke), acquire a ship and roam the universe going on adventures together.