100 stuffed animals donated to Hickory fire stations

HICKORY, N.C. — Members of Bethlehem Lutheran Church held a stuffed animal drive for the Hickory Fire Department.

Church members collected more than 100 stuffed animals and gave the donation to the Hickory firefighters during the church's service.

The Rev. John Duncan, who also serves as chaplain for the Hickory Fire Department, coordinated the donation.

"We want to thank our Women of the ELCA Circles for collecting the stuffed animals and the men and women of Hickory Fire Department for their outstanding service in our community," Duncan said.

Fire Engineer Jason Lowrance addressed the congregation by saying, "On the behalf of the 136 men and women of the Hickory Fire Department, we gladly accept these stuffed animals. The entire area that the city of Hickory Fire Department provides coverage to will be able to benefit from this generous offer you have made. If a child has been involved in an emergency situation, we want them to feel better. Sometimes giving them a stuffed animal helps. It gives the child a little bit of security, which makes them feel better."

Firefighters expressed their appreciation and again thanked the congregation for helping the community and firefighters.

"We really appreciate these animals and will use them to bring smiles to a child who is having a bad day," Lowrance said.

The stuffed animals have been distributed to trucks at all Hickory fire stations to be available whenever and wherever needed.