Candidates take final steps on decision day in tight race

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WASHINGTON — With polls showing the presidential race nearly deadlocked nationally, Mitt Romney's campaign decided to add two more stops Tuesday.

Overnight, President Barack Obama held his final rally in Iowa, asking voters to help him finish what they started.

Romney will spend time in Cleveland, Ohio and Pittsburgh, Pa. on Tuesday trying to push every voter to the polls.

In a race that is so tight, the Romney campaign tells supporters it's going to leave it all on the field.

According to the Associated Press, the latest national polls shows Obama has a slight edge in key swing states like Ohio, Iowa and Wisconsin, but the race is tied in North Carolina.

Obama will not be out campaigning Tuesday.  He will be in Chicago and be doing remote TV interviews for battleground states.

On Monday, both candidates thanked supporters and asked them to keep working to get out the vote.

"(I) ask them to look beyond the speeches and all the ads and attacks, because talk is cheap.  (I) ask them to look at the record," Romney said.

"You took this campaign and made it of your own. You organized yourselves block-by-block, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, county-by-county, starting a movement that spread across the county," Obama said.

Obama will keep his Election Day tradition of playing basketball.

Romney will end his day in Boston, waiting for the results.