Channel 9 anchor Blair Miller to interview Pres. Obama Friday

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Early voting numbers continue to soar in Mecklenburg County.

More than 106,000 people have already voted, which is 44,000 more than 2008.

Political expert Michael Bitzer told Channel 9 he expects 70 percent of all those who will vote in North Carolina to cast their ballots before Election Day.

President Barack Obama is staying at the White House Friday after casting his early voting ballot in Chicago on Thursday.

It's the first time a presidential nominee has voted early.

Republican challenger Mitt Romney will continue campaigning in Ohio and Iowa on Friday.

Eyewitness News anchor Blair Miller will be interviewing Obama on Friday.  Miller will also talk with Romney's campaign.

Those interviews will air on Channel 9 starting at 6 p.m.

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