City leaders to take action following Keith Scott shooting

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CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Charlotte leaders plan to take action in response to last month's officer-involved shooting and subsequent protests.

City council members wrote a letter to the community last week promising change after the death of Keith Scott.

In this letter, council members identified three steps that they want to take to bring change after hearing concerns from citizens in the community.

They also want to create 5,000 affordable housing units in three years and invest $1 million into a workforce program aimed at helping youth and people with multiple barriers to employment.

The letter calls for a review and implementation of President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing.

One councilwoman said the council also plans to review the citizens review board, a topic that was highlighted by protesters.

Council members listened to the concerns of citizens at previous council meetings and drafted their plan without the signature of Mayor Jennifer Roberts.

So far, 20 citizens have signed up to address the council at the Monday night meeting.

Leaders will also discuss hiring a new city manager after Ron Carlee announced in February that he would not seek to renew his contract.

Deputy city manager Ron Kimble has taken Carlee’s job temporarily.

The city council will get an update on plans to redevelop Pearl Park in midtown as well.

Pappas Properties wants to build a hotel, apartments or condos, business space, a greenway path and play areas in the park.

The developer is asking the council for a tax grant to help with the cost.

City council will not yet vote on the issue.

Channel 9 will discuss the developments from the meeting on Eyewitness News at 10 and 11 p.m.