CMPD looks for robbers armed with bats and guns in University City

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Charlotte police are looking for robbers armed with bats and guns who they say attacked four different people overnight.

Three of them happened in the University area, the other happened in East Charlotte.

Eyewitness news talked to victims who said they were targeted on their drive home.

They said at first they thought they were being followed into their neighborhood by a neighbor but to their surprise three men would get out of the car.

Police say two other people were attacked in the University area early Monday morning.

The first two happened about an hour apart and the third just three hours later, only a mile and a half away from where the first one happened.

Both of Bill Lee's legs are still red, and his knees are bruised. He said he was beaten and robbed at gunpoint right in front of his wife and kids.

"My children are so scared," said Lee.

Lee said it happened so fast. He said the men jumped out of the car with bandanna's over their faces.

He said they kept asking for his money. Lee said he fought back the best he could, but that's when he says one of them men started beating him with an aluminum baseball bat.

The suspects got away with his and his wife's house and car keys, along with their wallets and cell phones.

At the second house hit, on Craven Hill Drive, the victim's roommate said the three men also attacked in the driveway.

They got away with her friend's watch and keys.

"He was trying to get his wallet out, but his car alarm went off. So then the men ran away," she said.

Police can't confirm the cases are linked but are working to see if they're connected. Police haven't released suspect descriptions or a car make and model.

Victims described the car as a 1990 four-door black Honda.

They also said the suspects are Hispanic.