Davidson students rally against college's sex assault policy

DAVIDSON, N.C. — Students at Davidson College held a rally Thursday to speak out against the college's sexual assault policy.

They called for an immediate overhaul, saying the current policy doesn't do enough to protect victims.
Organizers began the rally outlining its purpose, "Let's show our campus that we're responding to those among us who we love."
Organizers said while they want to keep the dialogue open, they feel the school takes too long to review these cases.

Channel 9 took a closer look at the current college policy, which was revised in February.

According to the policy, a sexual assault investigation typically takes about 60 days.

It takes another 10 days for a hearing to be held.
Associate Dean of Students Kathy Bray said the top priority is being thorough.

"It is critical that the process be thorough. In the interest of all students involved- it doesn't do any good to rush through this process," she said.
The college can suspend a student found guilty of sexual assault.

Current policy also allows the college to give that student a warning, or ask that student to apologize to the victim. Students said they want tougher punishments.
"We want to see reforms that restore trust in our school, in the process, and in each other," rally organizer Hailey Klado said.
Bray said their policy follows federal guidelines
"I think it's important whatever sanction is given to the student fits the situation," she said. "It is important that our campus remains safe for all students and the college is committed to making that happen."
The school will review their sexual assault policy again this summer.
Channel 9 learned the school is looking to create a task force with students to look at ways to improve the policy. They plan to do that next school year.

Concerned students have also started a petition: