Huntersville families to get study results on mysterious cancer cluster

HUNTERSVILLE, N.C. — Research into what is causing a rare eye cancer cluster in the Huntersville area is about to take its next step.

[IMAGES: Victims in Huntersville with eye cancer]

Scientists have been looking for similarities in genetic testing and studying to see whether there is a environmental connection between the 20 cases of ocular melanoma.


Dr. Michael Brennan - who is at the forefront of that research - says the results are in, but he's not ready to share them publicly. Brennan wants to present his findings to families of the victims first, and then he's planning a community meeting so he can share his report and discuss the next steps.

Currently, there is no timetable for those meetings. Channel 9 exposed the medical mystery in Huntersville in 2014 and we've followed the search for answers.

It is an extremely rare form of cancer and having that many cases in one area is unheard of. Right now, the Town of Huntersville is looking at forming an ocular melanoma commission.

The group would be composed of community leaders and health experts who can help determine when more testing is needed.