Duke Energy to accelerate coal-plant closings

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Partly as the result of a review of carbon-reduction targets announced by the state earlier this year, Duke Energy Corp. has established more ambitious goals to reduce carbon emissions from its electric power operations by 50% by 2030 and to reach "net zero" carbon in its system by 2050.

[NC can order Duke Energy to remove all coal ash by 2030, judge rules]

The 2050 targets in Duke's new effort to address issues surrounding climate change match some of the most aggressive carbon-reduction plans in the industry. That will require Duke to speed up the closure of its remaining coal plants, says Diane Denton, vice president for state energy policy.

Read more here about Duke's plans — and environmental groups' reactions to them.

"Duke ... recognizes that reducing carbon dioxide emissions is a critical part of addressing the global challenge of climate change," she says. "And we believe that reducing risks associated with a changing climate, including greenhouse gas emissions and hardening the system against more extreme weather, is good for our customers and good for our business."