Fort Mill family delivers healthy baby along side of highway

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FORT MILL, S.C. — Baby Thomas made quite an entrance around 1:30 a.m. Monday.

A Fort Mill family said Thomas couldn't wait, so he was delivered in their truck along the side of the road.

The parents walked Channel 9 through how Thomas was born on Highway 160 near Baxter Village.

When Becky Ackerman went into labor, they packed up and headed for Piedmont Medical Center.

(Click PLAY for raw clip from Becky Ackerman)

Little Thomas was not going to wait.

Becky said she felt his head, and her husband, Charles Ackerman, pulled the car over and called 911.

“That’s when he was, like, ‘Well, here we go. It's all you, so...,” Charles said. “Making sure the cord was not tied around his neck, that he could breathe, pushed again and the baby came out.”

Becky tried to help her husband stay calm as they waited for medics and police to arrive.

“I had to answer for him. He was stuttering a bit. He couldn't talk,” Becky said. “The biggest thing was cry. We wanted to hear (Thomas) cry, but he got comfy. We turned on the seat warmers.”

An ambulance took them to the hospital.

Thomas is healthy and even got to meet his three sisters.

When asked whether they will try for a fifth child, the Ackermans said no.

“He completes the family. We are done,” Becky said.

Thomas is named after Becky's father.

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