SC teacher disappointed in state’s vaccine policy books appointment in NC

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Teachers and school staff started to get vaccinated in North Carolina after weeks of fighting to get moved up on the waiting list.

But across the state line in South Carolina, teachers still have to wait weeks before they become eligible.

A teacher’s organization said the current timeline is unacceptable.

[Race to Vaccinate: What to know about the COVID-19 vaccine in North Carolina]

Channel 9 reporter DaShawn Brown spoke with educators who said that they are not only frustrated, but disappointed that they have not been made a priority to be safe from COVID-19.

[Race to Vaccinate: What to know about the COVID-19 vaccine in South Carolina]

State officials said they must keep senior citizens first to be vaccinated, and they haven’t been able agree on a plan that would move teachers up without moving the elderly back in line.

>> In the video at the top of this page, DaShanw speaks with a South Carolina teacher who has been teaching students in-person since September, and booked a vaccination appointment across the state line.

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