Haley says union jobs not welcome in SC

GREENVILLE, S.C. — (AP) Gov. Nikki Haley constantly stresses her efforts to bring jobs to South Carolina.

But Haley says she discourages companies from moving to the state if they will bring a unionized workforce.

Haley told The Greenville News on Wednesday she does not want union jobs in the state. Haley was in Greenville for an automotive conference.

Haley says she's happy for the non-union jobs at BMW, Michelin and Boeing. But she would not like to see Ford, General Motors or Chrysler in South Carolina.

Haley's likely opponent in this year's election, Camden Sen. Vincent Sheheen, says South Carolina should remain a right-to-work state where employees decide whether to join a union. But Sheheen said the state should welcome any automotive manufacturer if they would bring 10,000 jobs.