As ice, snow thaws, people venture out to grocery store

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CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Now that the snow and ice are melting away, many people ventured out of their homes.  One of their first stops was the grocery store.
Gloria Lindsay trudged through the slush and ice to make a run to a west Charlotte grocery store.
"I was sliding everywhere," she said.
It's the first time she's been out since her shopping trip before this week's snowstorm hit.
"I was out so I needed to get some extra stuff, oil, sugar, coffee and some medicine," Lindsay said.
She didn't have any trouble getting what she was looking for at the Compare Foods on Freedom Drive.  The shelves were stocked.  The store remained open this week for customers and deliveries during the storm.  Employees said they were just as busy yesterday as they were before the storm hit.
There was also a steady stream of customers at this Food Lion on Park Road this morning.
"I think once the sun came out and started melting things away I think people were feeling confident coming out and driving," store manager Thomas Wolszczak said.
Wolszczak said some employees were stuck at home and deliveries were delayed but the store remained open for limited hours during the storm.
Now that things are thawing out, deliveries are starting to roll in and there were lots of staff on hand working to restock the shelves.
Wolszczak said his store never ran out of the essentials and his customers noticed.
"That kind of makes it all worthwhile at the end of the day when people actually reach out to you and thank you for being open," he said.