Lawmakers pushing for 'In God We Trust' to be displayed in every North Carolina school

A North Carolina lawmaker wants the words “In God We Trust” displayed prominently in every school in the state.

The proposed bill from Onslow County Republican Rep. Phil Shepherd hasn’t been introduced but, if passed, it would go into effect next school year.

The proposed bill would require local boards of education to adopt policies to:

"These policies shall not compel any person to stand, salute the flag or recite the Pledge of Allegiance. If flags are donated or are otherwise available, flags shall be displayed in each classroom."

House Bill 965 was sponsored by four Republican members of the House of Representatives -- Bert Jones, of Rockingham County; Linda Johnson, of Cabarrus County; Dean Arp, of Union County; and Phil Shepherd, of Onslow County.

  • Require the display of the United States and North Carolina flags in each classroom, when available.
  • Require the display of the national motto, "In God We Trust" and the state motto, "To Be Rather Than to Seem," in at least one prominent location, such as an entryway, cafeteria or other common areas, at each school.
  • Require that recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance be scheduled on a daily basis and provide age-appropriate instruction on the meaning and historical origins of the flag and the Pledge of Allegiance.

The proposed bill states: