Life-changing sermon in South Korea drew man to Rev. Billy Graham's seminary

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Sejin Koh was one of more than a million people who flocked to hear Rev. Billy Graham speak in South Korea on June 3, 1973.

More than 40 years later, Koh’s life-changing crusade led him to connect with Graham in Charlotte at the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

Koh recalls every detail of Graham’s message from the front-row seat in South Korea.

Koh is a now a professor at the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where Graham is one of its founders.

“It was amazing, his facial expression, his gestures,” Koh said. “The sermon was so simple and powerful. There, I made the conscious decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ.”

The professors at the seminary train thousands to share the Gospel.

David Currie, another Gordon-Conwell professor, said one of his students was also at Graham’s crusade in South Korea in 1973.

“He took out one of the photos and he pointed to it, said, ‘You see that there, that's me, that's where I received Christ.’”

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“He lived what he preached from those crusades in his daily life,” student Doug Carver said.

Currie said that Gordon-Conwell would not exist without Graham’s vision.

Gordon-Conwell has been in existence for nearly 50 years.

“Institutionally, we've lost a father,” Currie said.