Millions spent on political ads, more campaign stops as DNC nears

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A GOP source told Channel 9 Mitt Romney will come to Charlotte next weekend to campaign.

Thursday, President Barack Obama had a popular mayor in town to campaign for him.

Political analyst Dr. Michael Bitzer tracked the amount of money the two candidates have spent on ads and visits since May.

Bitzer said $25 million has been spent on ads in the presidential race.  He estimates over the next three months, another $25 - $50 million will be spent in Charlotte.

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter was in Charlotte campaigning for Obama.  "Anytime, anyplace, anywhere if there is an opportunity to spread the message, that is where I'm going to be," Nutter said.

On Wednesday, the first lady spoke in Greensboro. 

"I think North Carolina is very important in this election, and the president knows that this a battleground state.  You will be seeing him.  You will be seeing others," Nutter said.

A GOP source told Channel 9 that Romney's bus tour will come through Charlotte. 

 "Gov. Romney will be visiting North Carolina often between now and November," North Carolina Communications Director Robert Reid said.

The question is, with the Democratic National Convention coming to Charlotte and the increasing numbers of ads, will voters get tired of it all?

Bitzer said Democrats will be energized and Republicans will focus on defeating the president.  He said it's the independents who may get fatigued leading up to the election.