More than 150 children in need have new bikes

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CHARLOTTE, N.C. — More than 150 children in need in Charlotte now have brand new bikes for the holidays.

Eyewitness News was at the church this evening when a local company handed over the new rides to the kids.

Song and prayer kicked off an exciting night at Kingdom Fellowship Christian Center, as the church welcomed members of the community for a special holiday giveaway.

"We celebrate the joy of just a child seeing a bicycle, knowing that it's theirs," said the Rev. Jim Logan.

Logan has partnered with the Charlotte-based company, Campus Crest Communities, to give away 150 bicycles.

"It's great to be able to bless some children," said Logan.

Davidson Smallwood, 10, is one of the new owners.

"I think it's pretty awesome," said Smallwood.

His mother, Teisha, said that she is grateful.

"Because of the situation I'm in, that helps me a lot," said Teisha.

Campus Crest Communities is a company that develops student housing properties and said the annual Holiday Bike Bonanza is an important part of its community outreach.

"We are real focused on helping out the community, helping out the communities where we are," said the CEO of Campus Crest Communities.

Tuesday night, kids in the community were thrilled to take home their new Christmas ride.

"It's awesome," said Smallwood.

The Holiday Bike Bonanza program started in 2006.

Just last month, Campus Crest also partnered with Kingdom Fellowship to give away turkeys for Thanksgiving.