State report: Black students suspended at higher rate than white students

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CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Black males in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school system are suspended at a rate of nearly 10 to 1 over white males, according to a report filed by the state.

[LINK: Full Report]

It has been a major focus for CMS and for the entire state.

The data show there have been improvements.

The report breaks down school crime and punishments for all school districts.

Statewide suspension numbers for the 2017-18 school year show black students were suspended at a rate of 4.15 for every 10 students enrolled.

White students were suspended at a rate of 1.14 out of 10.

Last year, it was 4.18 for black students and 1.09 for white students. In CMS last year, there were 10,311 black males suspended in the district, compared to 1,203 white males.

It is a slight improvement over last year, with about 1,000 fewer suspensions for black males. White male rates were the same.

Last year, about 4,700 black females were suspended, compared to 357 white females.

For perspective, about 37 percent of CMS students are black and 27 percent are white.

The ratio of suspensions is stacked against black students.

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Inequality in punishments and suspensions has been a major focus over the past years.

There have been community meetings and changed policies in CMS, including reducing suspensions among the youngest students.

There have also been new security measures at CMS schools.

[CMS steps up security measures]

Last year, there were nine arrests for possession of a firearm compared to the year before, when there were 19.

Other crimes are up, which includes the largest jump -- possession of a controlled substance.

There were 604 incidents in CMS last year compared to 434 in 2016-17.