Supporters of both parties work to carry out messages after debate

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney sent their supporters to carry out their messages Thursday. They hope to reinforce what people heard in the debates Wednesday night.

The stops included a visit in a popular Charlotte bakery. Education Secretary Arne Duncan spoke to voters at Amelie's Thursday.

It looked a bit like class as Duncan spoke with people in Charlotte.

He was hoping to educate voters about Obama's plan, saying Thursday he wasn't an official, just a supporter.

"We still have a long way to go," he told them.

"I feel so passionate about where we are going," Duncan said.

The stop comes after Obama and Romney's first debate. Some analysts say Romney won. A CNN/ORC survey shows 67 percent of debate watchers agree.

Duncan said it's not close to over yet.

"The choice and contrast facing the country is very significant," Duncan said.

Voters Eyewitness News spoke with agree.

"I don't think one debate speaks to the entirety of one’s political views," said voter Chuck Nusinov.

"We have to listen and be involved," said voter Nyeesha Bye.

Bye will vote for the first time this year. She watched the debate and said she will keep paying attention.

"It's important people my age get out and vote," Bye said.

As the Obama campaign continues its push forward, the Romney camp said it's not sitting back either.

"I think Gov. Romney did a great job last night and he won because he laid out his vision for America," said Robert Reid, a spokesperson for the Romney campaign.

"We anticipate this will be a very close election, a tough election and we are really going to run through the tape in North Carolina," said Reid.

This weekend, supporters will make a big door-to-door push, the Tarheel turnout as they call it.

"We're going to take our message to the public," Reid said.

A grassroots effort, like the meeting Thursday.

"If we have the most motivated, committed folks, that makes me hopeful about how this will turn out," Duncan said.