VP Biden's wife, Romney to campaign in NC

NORTH CAROLINA — Vice President Joe Biden's wife is to campaign for President Barack Obama in North Carolina this weekend.

Doctor Jill Biden will go to "Women for Obama-Biden" events on Saturday, but has not confirmed exactly where yet.

Thursday, Mitt Romney will be in Asheville. On Tuesday, many supporters lined up for tickets and then found out that tickets were only available online. Campaign workers told the people in line that they had to register on a website and wait for an e-mail with the ticket.

Most were still provided the opportunity to see the presidential candidate.

Romney also received some support in North Carolina on Tuesday when South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and Arizona Sen. John McCain were in Cary. The senators focused on military issues while speaking at a VFW.

Graham and McCain spoke of Romney's goals for veterans benefits and how he would make national security a top priority.