Zoom addresses security concerns during coronavirus pandemic

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Zoom, the virtual meeting app that has become a communications lifeline during the COVID-19 pandemic, is addressing concerns many users have expressed over the program’s security.

Zoom’s chief executive, Eric Yuan, told readers of his blog that he never expected that the platform would take off so suddenly.

The company had 10 million users at the end of December. By last month, it had 200 million.

But while the program has become the go-to for connecting with colleagues and friends, the company has also been sending user data to Facebook, the BBC reported.

“We did not design the product with the foresight that, in a matter of weeks, every person in the world would suddenly be working, studying and socializing from home,” Yuan wrote.

Company officials also said it had end-to-end encryption, which apparently it did not. It also allowed meeting hosts to track those who were in meetings.

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A former National Security Agency hacker found issues, one in which allowed the remote control of webcams and microphones on Macs by hackers, Tech Crunch reported.

There has also been an alarming trend where someone will get access to a Zoom video call and either shout abusive or racist comments or share porn. The process is called “zoombombing,” USA Today reported.

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The FBI is investigating the issues, according to USA Today.

Instead of adding upgrades to the program, Zoom is now focusing on fixing the vulnerabilities it has in the program.

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Tech Crunch reported there were also issues where hackers could steal Windows passwords.

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