Warning issued for electric car owners after Mooresville house fire

MOORESVILLE, N.C.,None — Duke Energy is warning some of its customers after a fire started at a home in Mooresville.

Investigators said they do not know what started the fire, but they fear it could be an electric car charging station. As a result, Duke Energy officials want anyone who has a charging station to stop using it until they know the devices are safe.

Fire investigators said there is about $800,000 worth of damage to the Lake Norman home. Investigators said they know it started in the garage, but they have yet to rule out the charging station.

The fire happened Oct. 30 and now massive green tarps cover the damage. In the burned out garage, investigators said they found an electric car plugged into a 240-volt car charging station.

CHOPPER: Home takes $800K in damage after garage fire

"The charging station was in the known area of origin, but the cause of the fire has not been officially determined," the Iredell County Fire Marshal's office said Friday.

SLIDESHOW: House fire may have been cause by electric car charger

But even the possibility of a fire hazard from the chargers for electric cars is getting attention. Sources told Eyewitness News car maker General Motors, Seimen, which makes the charger, as well as the installer, Duke Energy, and the U.S. Department of Transportation have all been talking to investigators.

County electrical inspectors confirm they have issued permits for at least 29 charging stations for electric cars in homes and parking decks around Charlotte.

Duke Energy has a pilot program across the Carolinas for customers who want them. And Duke CEO Jim Rogers has been outspoken in his desire to see more electric cars and charging stations in the city for next year's Democratic National Convention.

Friday, a representative for Duke Energy said they were aware of the fire, but had no indication the electric car charger was the cause.

WATCH: Warning issued for electric car owners after Mooresville house fire

Fire investigators said there were other things plugged in where the fire started.

Monday, investigators plan to meet at the house with representatives from GM, Siemens and others to take another look at what happened and determine whether the electric car or the charger was part of the problem.

Previous Stories: March 24, 2011: Duke Energy To Give Free Car Chargers To Electric Car Owners