Why am I walking?

Hi! My name is Jennifer and I work for Hearst Television. I’ve lived in Charlotte for just over 3 years, and in June 2012 I married the love of my life. We have 2 “kids” (also known as dogs) that pretty much rule the house.

I've thought about participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer since I've been in Charlotte but never felt ready to commit until now. Sure, $1,800 is a lot of money to raise and nearly 40 miles of walking is a long way to walk, but if some of the closest women in my life can fight breast cancer, I can take this journey to help every woman out there affected by this horrible disease. My family is the most important part of my life. I wouldn't be where I am today in life if not for them, and they are always there no matter what to support me.

Breast cancer is not the only cancer that has impacted my family, but I feel like breast cancer has become an epidemic that must be stopped! It is affecting people at younger ages than ever before and it must be caught in earlier stages and stopped.

My mother is a survivor of both breast cancer and colon cancer. Growing up, like most children, we think nothing can ever be wrong with our parents and they are superheroes who can survive anything. My mom is indeed that superhero, and while I’ve come to terms with the fact that my parents will not always be here, my mother will always be my superhero. I will always be able to tell myself “if she can do it, I can do it.”

My grandmother was a breast cancer survivor and bravely fought lung cancer before it took her life. She was so strong, and I know she’s my angel looking down on me. No doubt she is so proud of me for walking for this cause.

I am also walking for my cousin. She is a breast cancer survivor but is fighting once again to beat this horrible disease. I was the flower girl in her wedding when I was a child, and her marriage has stood the test of time unlike a lot of marriages these days. Her marriage has always been an inspiration to me, and I hope my marriage will always be as strong as hers.

With these strong women in my life I know I can do anything, and my first step is to walk and raise money to fight breast cancer and help find ways for earlier detection.

Along with walking in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, I plan to cut my hair the week before the Walk and donate it to Locks of Love. The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer begins on October 26, and my grandmother would have celebrated her birthday the week before the walk.

I am walking to keep alive the memories and cherished moments that I cannot get back, with hope that one day there will be a cure for cancer. I am walking so that no other person will have to suffer or have their lives taken too soon.

I hope that you will join me in this cause and support me and Team 9/64 as we do our part to help breast cancer research and early detection. The more of us who walk, the more of us survive!