SPONSORED: Learn how to be a better safe driver with these N Charlotte Toyota tips

N Charlotte Toyota tips

Are you a safe driver?

Most people think they are. But even if you're confident in your abilities to safely navigate your car around town, you can always improve, right? Toyota of N Charlotte is here to help! We've got seven tips to help you be an even better safe driver every time you get behind the wheel. Read on!

Be a better safe driver with these simple tips

Tip #2: Sharpen your defensive driving skills.

Tip #1: Recognize your car’s blind spots.

Every car has blind spots. And if your ride doesn't have a blind spot monitor like so many of our N Charlotte Toyotas do, then you need to know how to recognize and work around blind spots. To be a safe driver, identify all of the blind spots in your car and be sure you check them before making any movements on the road.

Defensive driving skills are used to be proactive out on the road - instead of reacting to an accident as it's happening, avoid one altogether. Check out our N Charlotte Toyota tips on this very important skill!

Tip #3: Don’t drive when fatigued.

Driving when tired is just as dangerous as driving while drunk. If you feel fatigued, pull over, take a nap in a safe space, and caffeinate. However, it’s even more prudent to delay your trip until you’ve had a good night’s rest.

Tip #4: Keep both hands on the wheel in the proper position.

It’s pretty obvious that you should always keep both hands on the wheel. However, the old advice that you should keep your hands at 10 and 2 is now irrelevant. Experts advise that you instead keep your hands at 9 and 3 or 8 and 4 for more control over your vehicle.

Tip #5: Become a pro parker.

How good are you at parking? Get better - you have to park every time you leave your house, after all. Know how to park in perpendicular and angled spots, as well as in parallel spots. Practice parking safely and leaving enough space between yourself and other vehicles, and learn how to back efficiently into a spot.

Get tips on safe driving from Toyota of N Charlotte

Tip #6: Make sure you know how to drive in challenging conditions.

Driving can be challenging even in the best of conditions. In difficult conditions, it can be dangerous. Learn how to drive in conditions like snow, rain, extreme dark, ice, high winds, hilly roads, and heavy traffic. It’ll make you a better safe driver.

Tip #7: Get good at merging.

Merging is tricky but if highway driving is part of your commute, you’ll be doing it often. It’s important to know how to safely achieve a merge onto the highway. Make sure you use your turn signals, pay attention to your surroundings, check your blind spots, and travel the speed of the other cars. Avoid speeding and cutting cars off, but also avoid driving too slowly and holding up traffic.

Want more tips on how to be a better safe driver? Call Toyota of N Charlotte today! We’re open seven days a week at 13429 Statesville Road, just off I-77 at exit 23 and you can reach us at (704) 875-9199.