B.J. Emmons

This is the Big 22 player profile for Freedom High School running back B.J. Emmons.

Name: B.J. Emmons

City of birth: Morganton, NC

Position: RB

School: Freedom High School

B.J. Emmons Stats Sheet

Siblings: Charlotte Scott, Jasmine Patterson, Rileigh Patterson (neice)

My best physical feature is: My smile

Favorite movie: Friday Night Lights

Most played song on iPod: I'm Still by DJ Khaled

TV show I DVR most: Sports Center

Favorite website: YouTube

Worst habit: Biting fingernails

Talent I wish I had: Playing guitar

What annoys you the most: People who talk too much and they are not listening

Favorite toy as a child: Power Wheels Tonka Bulldozer

Three things on my bucket list: Sky diving, travel the world and own every shoe

Favorite meal: Rib-eye Steak and potatoes

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy: To give back to the community and my previous school

Most embarrassing thing ever happened during a game: Falling before I juke

Three things I would take to a desert island are: Water, weapon and safety kit

Favorite pro sports teams are: Miami Heat

Greatest moment on the field: We beat Burns in playoffs.

One guilty pleasure is: Sprint

Celebrity crush: Erin Andrews

Three people I would love to have dinner with: My daddy, Coach Dabo Swinney and Sammy Watkins

My friends would be surprised to know/my most unique off the field talent: Playing the drums

Next risk you plan to take: Not a risk, but to lead my team to the state championship

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