Learn about N Charlotte Toyota Prius drive modes!

What do Toyota Prius drive modes actually do? 

  • Eco: Just like it sounds, this mode is aimed at making your drive time more fuel efficient and more eco-friendly. When you choose this mode on your N Charlotte Toyota Prius, your vehicle focuses on reducing the throttle input and even altering air conditioning inside the car to help enhance efficiency. Your new Toyota will save between 10-20% more fuel if you use this mode as often as you can – but don't try it at high speeds, as it won't be effective. 
  • EV: This drive mode in the Toyota Prius near Charlotte is all about the electric motor. When you choose it, you'll find that you're running on all-electric power as much as you possibly can. This is only possible over short distances and at low speeds, however, so don't try it out on the highway! What are the benefits? Increased fuel efficiency since you're eschewing the gasoline engine, as well as a cut down on emissions. Additionally, your new Toyota will switch over to more suitable drive mode when you need it to (with no effort on your part). 
  • Power: This mode is designed for get-up-and-go – when you're hitting the gas to accelerate or driving at high speeds, it's the one you want to utilize. It's not as fuel-efficient as other modes, but it definitely gets you where you want to go. Oh, and even though it's the mode you'll use for higher performance, it's still hybrid performance… which means it's still more environmentally sensitive and fuel efficient than traditional gasoline models! 

Find out more about the N? Charlotte Toyota Prius family today!