What is flex fuel, and how does it affect your N Charlotte Toyota?

How does flex fuel fit into your new Toyota?

  • Basically, flex fuel is an alternative energy source. New Toyota in N Charlotte that are equipped to handle it can utilize both gasoline and a blend of gasoline and ethanol (called E-85) as their fuel. This makes for a more versatile driving experience, but that's not all a flex fuel vehicle has to offer! 
  • One quality of flex fuel vehicles that's pretty desirable is the performance. You know that when you buy a hybrid – like the new Toyota Prius in N Charlotte – you're going to have to sacrifice a bit of performance, since the Hybrid Synergy Drive System under the hood focuses more on an eco-friendly and efficient outcome than powerful performance. FFV (flex fuel vehicles) run off of gasoline or E-85, so they still retain the power that you need it you crave a little extra vroom in your driving experience! 
  • New Toyota near Charlotte that are FFV also utilize a fuel source that's more renewable – E-85 is made right here in the US, so you don't have to worry about utilizing imported gasoline quite as much. 
  • You don't need special N Charlotte Toyota parts for these vehicles! Just a few modifications have been made to the engine, so unlike a hybrid, you won't need specifically designed parts to keep things running smoothly. 

What other fuel options will you find at our N Charlotte Toyota dealership?