Take on holiday driving with Toyota of N Charlotte this year!

How can you prep your new Toyota near Charlotte this holiday season? 

  • First things first: leave lots of time to get your new Toyota across town! Traffic is sometimes backed up with lots of drivers on the roads, especially on or around highway entrances and exits. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to get to your destination in case of traffic; this way you won't have to rush to arrive when you should. Also be sure to pay close attention to the drivers around you, as they may be more rushed or driving irresponsibly in their haste! 
  • Make sure you check the weather! No one wants to get stuck out in bad weather in their new Toyota near Charlotte. Check the forecast for weather that may effect your drive time, especially if you're headed into colder climes. Snow and ice can take a toll on your car's performance and you should be prepared! 
  • Bring your phone! ALWAYS bring a cell phone with you, and be sure you have a charger as well. If you break down you need to be able to call for help and get your new Toyota into the body shop, and having a phone can make a big difference should you get into an accident and have to deal with injuries. Never drive without it to be on the safe side! 

Be prepared to take your new Toyota out on the highway! 

  • Bring along a driving buddy! This especially applies if you're taking your N Charlotte Toyota a solid distance. Road trips are more fun with other people anyways, and this will allow you to switch off so you don't have to drive when you're tired. If you do get stuck driving solo, make sure you take breaks… driving while fatigued can be as dangerous as driving drunk! 
  • Make sure you PLAN ahead! Stock your new Toyota in N Charlotte. You should be prepared for the worst just in case! Make room in your trunk for extra blankets, snacks and water, pet food, a shovel, tow rope, jumper cables, flares, and a simple first aid kit. Also, if you're going to be crossing a good distance be sure that any medication you might need is easily accessible, and bring along  music, books, or games to keep your passengers occupied!