
Sullenberger Aviation Museum takes shape at CLT as fundraising hits target

CHARLOTTE — Marc Oken knows a little something about money. The co-founder of Falfurrias Capital Partners and former Bank of America Corp. chief financial officer, now well into his 70s, demonstrated over the past two years that he’s still got his fastball — or, more aptly, his wings.

Oken kind of stumbled into becoming the lead fundraiser for the new aviation museum at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, but he didn’t stumble in the role at all. While visiting the old museum a few years ago, after he learned of the ambitious goals for building a new one, he volunteered to help — and wound up as chairman of the museum’s board.

Last month, with Oken at the helm, the future Sullenberger Aviation Museum met its $31 million target with a final, $2 million pledge from Charlotte city government.

“We raised that amount in a relatively short amount of time, as campaigns go,” Oken told CBJ. “We were fortunate to do that. About half of the money we raised came from the state of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County, the airport, and the city of Charlotte. But the other half came from people who believed in what we were trying to do.”

Read more about the project and check out photos of construction progress here.

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