Family Focus

Charlotte mom creates masks for frontliners using air conditioning filters

“I initially just wanted to make sure I had a barrier of protection for my children specifically my 11-year-old daughter who suffers from allergies.”

Victoria Fields wanted to take an extra precaution to protect her family from the coronavirus, so she created masks using air conditioning filters.

“I did hear in a report that COVID-19 affects children or adolescents, and even elderly, who are affected by asthma and allergies,” said Fields. “So I just thought if I got a HEPA filtration system and I just researched the highest grade, that I would be able to make handmade masks for them.

Fields said that once she and her children began to wear the masks outside, they started to receive recognition from local police officers, who at the time had not been provided any medical masks – specifically protective, N95 masks.

That prompted her to create more masks and donate them to first responders and people who are providing essential services to others in north Charlotte.

While there’s no guarantee that Fields’ masks will block the virus, it does minimize the chances and provides an extra layer of protection.

Even though Charlotte firefighters have received N95 masks, they said donations like Fields’ are helping emergency workers who still need one and people who are out in the community.

“We will definitely take them and make sure they get to the right place and I’m sure the volunteers will be able to use them while they’re out and about, said Charlotte Fire Department Capt. Jackie Gilmore.