
Biological mother of missing girl to speak to investigators

ROWAN COUNTY, N.C. — The biological mother of a missing Rowan County teen is speaking out on social media about her daughter's case.

Carolyn Parsons said she is traveling to the Charlotte area Monday from her home in New Orleans to meet with investigators from the FBI, SBI and the Rowan County Sheriff's Office who are handling the case.

Over the weekend on her Facebook page, Carolyn Parsons wrote, "I feel like I'm in a nightmare and can't wake up ... we want her to be safe and returned safe. Just keep prayers going and keep eyes out please."

Parsons' biological daughter Erica disappeared in November 2011 at age 13, but she wasn't reported missing until July 30.

Investigators said after her birth, Erica was adopted by Carolyn's former sister-in-law, Casey Parsons, and her husband Sandy. Dr. Phil sat down Tuesday with Casey and Sandy Parsons in his Hollywood studios to tape an episode about their adoptive daughter, Erica.

Authorities said Erica lived with them until her disappearance.

Detectives have said Casey and Sandy Parsons told investigators that Erica had left their home during a troubled time and indicated she wanted to live with her biological grandmother in Asheville.

The Parsons also told reporters that same woman, Irene Goodman, met them in Mooresville to pick up Erica to take her to Asheville, along with a woman who identified herself as the girlfriend of Erica's biological father, Billy Goodman.

Initially the Parsons told detectives a male and female couple had picked up Erica to take her to Asheville, according to investigators.

On her Facebook page, Carolyn Parsons disputed both stories, saying she has no family in Asheville.

"I nor her dad have no idea where Erica is, and we love her and want to find her and know that she is safe," Parsons wrote last week.

Parsons declined an on-camera interview.

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