
Future of CATS light rail may go through SouthPark, Ballantyne

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The Charlotte Area Transit System is in the process of shaping the future of the light rail in Charlotte through the year 2030.

Consulting firms working with CATS must answer how to get from north and west Charlotte into uptown, but some ideas on the table look well beyond what many thought was possible.

One consultant who is trying to overcome the physical challenge of bringing routes into uptown suggested a tunnel.

The firm WSP is working on similar projects in Seattle and suggested the same could work for Charlotte.

Another consultant, Kimley-Horn, is looking ahead to the year 2070.

That plan would include a new route to SouthPark, where the firm cites retail, office and residential expansion.

Kimley-Horn's map of the proposal shows a route to Ballantyne.

(Kimley-Horn's proposed light rail map)

When Channel 9 asked people in places such as Ballantyne if they support the light rail, the responses were mixed.

“I'd probably still take my car,” Maria Pantori said. “I did ride the rail a couple of times with my grandson, but I think the car is the way to go here."

"If they had light rail coming from uptown to Ballantyne, would you ride? Absolutely,” Janet Robinson said.

The four firms that submitted proposals to CATS included plans to get public input and cost estimates, which will be in the billions of dollars.

CATS will select a consultant this month and studies will begin in July.

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