
Check again: There’s a missing lottery ticket worth $200K in Gaston County

Powerball ticket

CHERRYVILLE — Time is running out to find and claim a lottery ticket that’s worth a pretty penny.

The North Carolina Education Lottery says a Powerball ticket that was sold for the Nov. 11 drawing last year still hasn’t been claimed, and it’s worth $200,000.

The problem: the lottery ticket expires this Friday.

According to lottery officials, the winning ticket was sold at the Murphy USA on Lincolnton Highway in Cherryville.

The winning numbers for that drawing were 1, 12, 14, 24, 57 and a Powerball of 7. Lottery officials say the missing ticket matched four of the white balls and the red Powerball.

If you end up finding the ticket, you have to bring it to the lottery headquarters in Raleigh by 5 p.m. on May 10.

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