
Neighbors upset over church's homeless family program

CONCORD, N.C. — Residents living next to a Concord church are frustrated because they said no one told them a program that houses homeless people opened up inside the church.

That program has been operating for one-and-a-half years.

Now, there’s construction going on inside that sanctuary to make room for more homeless families.

Nearby residents went to the city to complain.

"We just don't want them walking around, this neighborhood has been quiet," Jeffery Collins said.
He is not happy about the program at Showers of Blessings Church that houses homeless families.
"We haven't heard the first thing from the church or anyone else that this is going to be what it's going to be," Collins said.
"We weren't notified about it and I don't think that's fair for any of the neighbors," resident Lindsay Coronis said.
The program has been housing up to four homeless families but Cooperative Christian Ministry recently received approval to build rooms in the church's sanctuary to house eight families.
"These are families from our communities that may have experienced job loss," Ed Hosack, CCM executive director, said. "There may have been medical bills, the break up or loss of a family member."
"Having a homeless shelter is an approved accessory use already on the property it doesn't require any additional re-zonings or public hearings that doesn't require a notice to residents, city spokesman Peter Franzese said.
Residents said they're concerned the program could prompt loitering and possibly crime.
The facility is managed 24 hours a day and participants are screened and have to undergo drug testing, Hosack said. 
City leaders talked to the director of CCM about the neighbor's concerns and afterwards leaders said everything they're doing there is legal.

To address neighbor concerns CCM is hosting an open house for the Sunderland Road Community.  It will be held Sunday at the church fellowhsip hall.

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