
Carolina Strong: Volunteer uses the power of photography to get shelter animals adopted

CHARLOTTE — Volunteer Christi Neal has been coming to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department’s Animal Care and Control shelter once a week to take photos of their newest residents.

She typically takes the second photo, after the initial intake photo, when the dogs are often scared, stressed, and a little wild.

Neal said she does this in hopes of getting them back out the door into their forever homes.

“There are so many unwanted dogs, especially in the Charlotte area, and it’s so sad to have a negative outcome,” she explained.

She said the goal is to capture their face and size clearly, as well as make them feel comfortable.

>> Why Neal feels her photos can make the difference between a dog getting adopted or not, in the video at the top of the page.

Every day, there are people across the Carolinas doing extraordinary things. They’re giving back, they’re helping each other, and they’re making a real difference. We’re highlighting the best in our community in our series, Carolina Strong.

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VIDEO: Carolina Strong: Sending love to lonely seniors in nursing homes