
Former CEO sells NC beach home for $9.4M

The home at Wrightsville Beach sold for $9.25 million.

NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N.C. — After 10 months, the founder of one of the largest cell-tower real estate companies in the country has sold his Wrightsville Beach home for $9.2 million.

Richard Byrne, who founded Raleigh’s TowerCo, sold the house on Lumina Drive for $9.25 million, according to New Hanover County deed records. He initially listed the home for $11.4 million back in August. Byrne’s team took the house off the market late last year to list it back in March for $10.4 million.

“I am happy we did that, and I am happy it finally got sold,” Byrne said. “I think the new owners will be very happy with the house.”

Read more here.

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