
North Carolina to provide $335 checks to families with children

RALEIGH, N.C. — Gov. Roy Cooper intends to sign House Bill 1105. In it is a provision that will provide $335 checks to roughly more than a million households in North Carolina.

The $335 checks are part of a COVID-19 relief bill that passed in the General Assembly with flying colors.

“As a single mother, that would help me out tremendously,” Charlotte resident Brittany Blue said. “Especially during this time.”

According to HB1105, the Department of Revenue will issue the checks by Dec. 15. In order to get a check, you need to file a 2019 state income tax return by Oct. 15. To be eligible, you also need to be a resident for the entire 2019 calendar year and report at least one child who is 17 and under on your state tax form.

If you didn’t file a state tax return solely because your gross income didn’t meet the state’s requirements, you could still get a check. But you will have to apply through the Secretary of Revenue. Applicants will also have to meet the other requirements, including being a resident of North Carolina for all of 2019 and having at least one child who is 17 and under.

There’s no rule mandating how the funds have to be spent. The amount is a flat rate -- households that make between $50,000 and $500,000 will receive the same amount.

“With school, it would help out a whole lot,” Charlotte resident Marion Evans said. “It would help out a whole lot right now with school at home. The kids need a lot of snacks and supplies.”

If you get your state income tax return by direct deposit, you will get your $335 in that manner. Otherwise, it will be mailed to the address associated with your state income tax return.

To view HB1105, click here.

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