
Woman calls police during break-in using medical alert necklace

None — A 94-year-old Cabarrus County woman was recovering Thursday evening after thief broke into her home around 6:00 a.m. that morning.

When Eyewitness News visited her, she didn't want to show her face on camera or reveal her name. She was still a bit shaken up.

"All of a sudden, I heard the glass breaking. It sounded like they broke every glass in the house out," she said.

She got behind her bedroom door. She quickly reached for a weapon she wears to bed every night: her medical alert necklace.

"If I need help I can just press that and I can get immediate help," she said.

When she pressed the button on her medical alert necklace, an operator on a speaker in her home answered and called police. The operator also called her daughter, who lives next door. She said her daughter was the first to arrive. She drove up, blowing her horn loudly from the driveway. The family said the thief ran out of the back door.

Her daughter said there have been a couple of break-ins in the neighborhood recently. Eyewitness News checked with the Cabarrus County Sheriff's Office. It couldn't confirm that, but said it would work to get us crime statistics Friday morning.

The Sheriff's Office also said the case has been forwarded onto Mecklenburg County, because the woman's house sits right on the border.

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