
FORECAST: Cooler start followed by another quick warm-up

ABOVE: The latest forecast update from Severe Weather Center 9. To stay on top of changing weather conditions, be sure to download our free WSOC-TV weather app.

  • Temperatures will start off in the 50s and 60s for the first half of the morning before we quickly warm up this afternoon.
  • Daytime highs will make it to the low 80s by about 4 p.m.
  • There is a slight chance of some showers across the mountains on Thursday, but it will not bring much rain.
  • Cooler air will bring below-average highs for the start of our weekend.
  • Temperatures are expected to be in the mid to upper 70s on Friday and Saturday.
  • There is a chance of on-and-off showers on Saturday. However, conditions appear to approve by Sunday.
  • Temperatures will trend in the low 80s for the first half of the work week.

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