
Hurricane season expected to be below average in 2023

CHARLOTTE — Hurricane season is just a few weeks away and some recent checks on how the atmosphere has been behaving are pointing to potentially some good news about the season ahead.

Over the past month, warm ocean temperatures have been expanding in the East Central Pacific Ocean near the equator.

That is what El Nino is all about.

Just recently an El Nino watch was issued, which means that conditions are favorable for El Nino conditions in the northern hemisphere.

El Nino has numerous effects on the weather patterns we see in the United States. More specifically hurricanes, which is a good thing.

They create strong upper-level winds that can shear apart developing storms in the Atlantic.

In layman’s terms, Hurricanes may have a tough time getting going this season and there’s a chance that we may have a below-average hurricane season.

Something we haven’t seen in eight years.

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