
QB Bryce Young’s new foundation aims to remove stigma around mental health

CHARLOTTE — A famous face in Charlotte is working to break the stigma around mental health.

Carolina Panthers quarterback Bryce Young spoke on a panel at Hopeway Friday, in honor of Men’s Mental Health and PTSD Awareness Month. Young was joined by his father, a licensed therapist, as well as a former Hopeway client and the Director of Veteran and First Responder Services.

Last week, Young launched a foundation centered around mental health awareness and help.

“When we talk about physical health, people will do whatever it takes. It’s commonplace to do that. There is no thought behind it,” Young said. “But when you talk about mental health, it’s a [much] different conversation.”

Young aims to use his platform and partners to help move the conversation forward.

>> In the video at the top of the page, Young sits down with a group of men to change the stigma.

(WATCH BELOW: Bikers gather for annual ride in honor of Mental Health Month)

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