
Hurricane Ian: Here is what to do if you are sheltering in place

With Hurricane Ian expected to make landfall on Wednesday, the time to evacuate has essentially closed.

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If you are riding out the storm at your home, you need to be prepared.

Here are some things to do now:

· Have your emergency kit ready and handy.

· Prepare to lose running water and electricity.

· Fill your bathtub with water and keep it full.

· The water in the tank of toilets – not the bowl -- can be used in an emergency

· Park your car in a garage if you can. If you cannot, park it downwind from your house.

As the storm comes in:

· Stay inside your home. The storm can be calmer for short periods, but it will worsen. Do not go outside.

· Do not look out the window during the storm.

· Close all interior doors and close the curtains and blinds.

· Get into a small room or closet, one with no windows, or a hallway on the home’s lowest level.

· If your home begins to flood, go to the highest level of the building. Do not go into an attic, because you could become trapped by rising water.

· Do not leave your pets outside under any circumstances.

You should have these items on hand where you can find them:

· Water

· Food

· Toilet paper

· Flashlights for each member of the family

· Battery-operated lanterns for light in each room

· Batteries

· For baby needs: Diapers, formula, toys, any needed medication

· For pet needs: Food, water, leash, litter for litter box

· Cellphones that are fully charged; battery chargers if you have them

· Duct tape

· Garbage bags

· First-aid kit

· Prescription drugs and other medications

· Cash

· Car and house keys, stored where you can find them

· Toys, books and entertainment for children

· Important documents: birth certificates, Social Security card, home and car insurance policies. Keep them in something that is waterproof.

· Screwdriver, hammer, handsaw and other small tools.

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