Water Cooler

Rattlesnake surprise in toilet leads to even bigger discovery at Texas home

A Texas family is breathing a little easier, after a horrifying discovery in a bathroom at their Jones County home.
They found a full-grown, adult rattlesnake in the toilet, but that's not all. It turned out it wasn’t the only snake slithering around the house.

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The family called Abilene-based Big Country Snake Removal for help. An inspection turned up a rattlesnake infestation with the discovery of another 23 rattlesnakes at the house.

The company posted a series of pictures and an accompanying post on its Facebook page about the incident.

Why are snake inspections important? 
Last week we received a call from a family in Jones county who had an adult...

Posted by Big Country Snake Removal on Monday, January 30, 2017
Big Country Snake Removal said it found 13 adult rattlesnakes in the storm cellar and 10 more, including five baby snakes, under the house.
“Rattlesnakes are secretive… They rely heavily on camouflage,” the company posted.

“This is simply how they survive. Just because you don’t see them, doesn’t mean they aren’t there.”

As for the snake in the toilet? It crawled into the house through an opening in a relief pipe. Any opening in a relief pipe is generally big enough to allow a snake to slither in, the company said.
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