
How to get your house blurred on Google Street View

CHARLOTTE — Google Street View provides an easy way to explore neighborhoods all across the United States, but what if you don’t want your house visible to the world with a simple click?

You have the power to control if your house can be seen clearly or if it’s blurred.

Some police agencies have warned that thieves can use the web to identify properties for burglaries. If you’re worried you’ve got a high-value target, you can blur your property on Google Maps.

“In terms of keeping your house safe and just having some more privacy, it’s probably a really good idea to do this,” Riverside Police Department Officer Ryan Railsback told ABC News.

An unblurred image on the site can also show criminals if you’re lacking a security system. StaySafe.org says this makes a home 300% more likely to be targeted.

To hide your home, first find your home on Google Maps Street View. Next, go to the bottom-right section of the screen and click “Report a a problem,” then click what you want blurred and click submit. Learn more at this link.

(VIDEO: Google to end geofence warrants, which give police access to location data)

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