
Spring has sprung: Tree pollen increases due to rain, warm weather

CHARLOTTE — If you’re in the Charlotte area this week, you might have noticed that many of our trees have started to bloom.

Thanks to all the rain last week, the ground is saturated and trees and plants are drinking fast.

With temperatures running well above average the next few days, we will keep seeing more and more trees coming alive again. It means tree pollen is on the high count for multiple species already, and as more trees begin to bud and bloom, symptoms will only get worse.

The weather is playing a big role in helping the trees and grasses come back again. The key environment plants need to grow is definitely there.

What can you do to manage your symptoms?

The Mayo Clinic suggests the following:

  • Reduce your exposure to allergy triggers -- For example, stay indoors on dry, windy days, or delegate lawn mowing.
  • Keep your indoor air clean -- Use things like air conditioning and a dehumidifier in your house.
  • Try over-the-counter medications.
  • If your symptoms are still unbearable, see your doctor.

(WATCH BELOW: Monday morning forecast with Meteorologist Keith Monday)

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